A wife, mother of four, entrepreneur, speaker, ministry leader, member of a unique professional women’s network, and soon to be author. While raising four children, Mrs. Anderson realized her children were coming home from school to an empty home for hours before she or her husband returned. For a major portion of their day, they were being dictated to, during school hours by teachers, and then after school via computers or the television, values that were not always aligning with her own. In short, she looked at a direct sales company and the business model she had in front of her, learned to implement parts of it during her day, as not to interfere with her job, and the other parts at night and on the weekends. Well, in just a few months, Mrs. Anderson promoted herself to the top 2% of that company, earned the use of a company car, left Corporate America and began the next chapter; problem solved. As a stay at home mom and businesswoman, Mrs. Anderson began homeschooling her children, mentoring and coaching women that desired to earn the same level of success she had achieved in that company as well as translating success principles and coaching and training others in their desire to succeed in their chosen businesses. The principles Mrs. Anderson learned in that company, wherever applied will yield results.
She is also the creator of “Civics Made Simple” © 2017 Kim S. Anderson, an online U.S. Civics Tutorial done using the course materials an established Educational Publisher.
Mrs. Anderson’s desire is to see as many people as possible reach personal success, be trained to understand and achieve financial success, all by the simplest means available. She wants women to have options when it comes to contributing to their household and raising their children and men to be able to spend quality time with their wives and children, so they can create the lifestyle of their dreams and leave a lasting legacy for their children’s children.